Draught Notice map v19, i01, g



Who's Thor


January, 1996 Volume 19, Issue 1

Pale Ale

from AHA internet for 1996


5. English-Style Pale Ale

a) Classic English Pale Ale

Golden- to copper-colored and displays English-variety hop character. High hop bitterness, flavor and aroma should be evident. This medium-bodied pale ale has low to medium maltiness. Low caramel is allowable. Fruity-ester flavors and aromas are moderate to strong. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures. Diacetyl (butter-scotch character) should be at very low levels or not perceived.

OG = 1.044-1.056 Balling (11-14 Plato), FG = 1.008-1.016 Balling (2-4 Plato), 3.5-4.2 % alcohol by weight (4.5-5.5 % alcohol by volume), IBUs = 20-40, color = 4-11 SRM (10-25 EBC).

b) India Pale Ale

Characterized by intense hop bitterness with a high alcohol content. A high hopping rate and the use of water with high mineral content results in a crisp, dry beer. This golden- to deep-copper-colored ale has a full, flowery hop aroma and may have a strong hop flavor (in addition to the hop bitterness). India pale ales possess medium maltiness and body. Fruity-ester flavors and aromas are moderate to very strong. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.

OG = 1.050-1.070 Balling (12.5-17.5 Plato), FG = 1.012-1.018 Balling (3-4.5 Plato), 4-6 % alcohol by weight (5-7.5 % alcohol by volume), IBUs = 40-60, color = 8-14 SRM (16-35 EBC).

6. American-Style Ale

a) American Pale Ale

Range from golden to light copper color. The style is characterized by American-variety hops used to produce high hop bitterness, flavor and aroma. American pale ales have medium body and low to medium maltiness. Low caramel character is allowable. Fruity-ester flavor and aroma should be moderate to strong. Diacetyl should be absent or present at very low levels. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures.

OG = 1.044-1.056 Balling (11-14 Plato), FG = 1.008-1.016 Balling (2-4 Plato), 3.5-4.3 % alcohol by weight (4.5-5.5 % alcohol by volume), IBUs = 20-40, color = 4-11 SRM (10-25 EBC).


Updated: January 08, 1998.